Telegram is one of the popular instant messaging apps which was developed by the creator of VK (Nicolia and Pavel Durov). In 2015 Telegram introduced bot. If you want to create the bot you need to have the API key from the BotFather which is official bot by Telegram. With a bot, you can do much more stuff in Telegram. The developer is simultaneously and to save your time we have to dig some of the useful telegram bots that will save time as well as much fun to use them. To start any Telegram Bot just type /start . many bots will have the instruction to start which will help you to find more about the stuff about that bot. 1) This bot will give you a temporary email address for anonymous registration on the untrusted website. It will give you an unlimited mailbox lifetime only you have to keep the page open. 2) Cropper Instagram has a fixed aspect ratio policy to upload photos and video but to upload panoramic images is not possible then jus...